FRAX Laser Treatment

Plump your skin from the inside out by rejuvenating the collagen within the skin.

What is FRAX 1550 treatment and how does it work?

As we age, our skin changes. Sun exposure can cause damage, age spots develop, we gain fine lines and wrinkles, and we get a more uneven pigmentation. FRAX (Fractional Skin Resurfacing) treatment can slow down and even reverse these visible signs of aging, while also removing age spots, leaving the skin looking fresher and more youthful. Furthermore, there is no significant downtime to FRAX – you can have a treatment and resume your day afterwards.

FRAX treatment works by creating very small, controlled islands of heat damage surrounded by normal healthy skin. It has pre-programmed settings for different skin types to deliver the correct energy output for your complexion.

When the body repairs the controlled damage, collagen across the treated area is stimulated, which can reduce both fine fines and pores. The surface of the skin is renewed with improved pigment, leaving the skin looking fresher and brighter.

Which problems can be treated?

FRAX is specific for addressing the following:

  • Improving skin texture, fine lines and wrinkles
  • Treatment of acne scars, as well as surgical scars
  • Treatment of stretch marks
  • Repairing and reducing the signs of sun damage
  • Reducing pore size
  • Minimising age spots

FRAX is not limited to the face alone – damage to the neck, chest and arms can also be treated. FRAX cannot, however, remove deep ‘active’ wrinkles.

The replacement of collagen in the treated area is a gradual process, and continual improvements can be seen for a period of between 3 to 6 months following treatment. Most patients report an improvement in their complexion after just a few days following treatment.

Typically you will be offered a course of four treatments, each generally scheduled 1 month apart. If you are darker skinned – for example with Fitzpatrick skin type 4-5 – your practitioner may decide to offer a longer course of gentler treatments. Multiple treatments can be carried out to maintain results and to continually boost collagen production.

To ensure optimal comfort, your practitioner will apply a topical anesthetic cream to the area to be treated prior to the procedure. After this wears off, there will be a few hours where the skin feels as if you have light sunburn.

The topical anesthetic cream is normally applied 30-40 minutes before the procedure. Typically, the FRAX treatment itself takes between 15-45 minutes, depending on the size of the area being treated.

Clinical trials documenting FRAX safety and effectiveness were carried out by leading doctors prior to the launch of the treatments.

  • Do not sunbathe or use sun beds for 4 weeks before a treatment.
  • Avoid self-tanning products for 4 weeks before a treatment.
  • Avoid perfumes, deodorants and other potential irritants in the area(s) to be treated prior to treatment.
  • Avoid taking aspirin and other blood thinners prior to treatment.
  • Talk to your practitioner if you are prone to acne outbreaks or cold sores.
  • If you experience cold sores on the face, you will be required to commence a course of antiviral medication on the day of the treatment. This may be arranged in advance through your GP; otherwise we may be able to arrange this through the Chiltern Medical Clinic. Your therapist will advise you.
  • Redness caused by the treatment can be camouflaged by makeup without any negative effects.
  • Cold compresses can be applied to alleviate any potential swelling. Swelling may be most noticeable around the eye area.
  • Your skin texture will change and feel dry or even rough and flaky for a few days.

You should avoid the following for 24-48 hours after treatment:

  • No perfumed products or make-up.
  • No excessive heat, e.g. saunas, steam rooms or hot baths, swimming or gym.
  • Avoid AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid) and retinol products until normal skin sensitivity has returned.
  • No touching, picking or scratching the area.
  • Avoid exfoliation.
  • Avoid sun exposure or sun beds.
  • Wear sun protection of at least SPF 30 or higher.

Pure Aloe Vera gel should be used for the next 48 hours after the treatment if any reaction persists.
Follow the advice of your therapist about what products to use on your skin after FRAX.